November Chrome

Gave the dogs a break from hunting/training this weekend and went to Portland this morning with fellow angler, Doug to fish for some late season steelhead trout. The weather started out overcast and upper 40s… can’t complain for late November in Michigan. The morning included spotting three deer swimming across the Grand River downstream from our location (later we saw 6 more running along the shore.) We used waders to get into the deeper areas of the river, and fished using spinners.

Within the first 20 minutes Doug hooked into a beautiful steelhead that gave him a decent fight which included circling around him.


We moved about trying different locations and depths, and about 2 hours later it was my turn to haul in the second steelhead of the morning.


UPDATE: The steelhead were filleted and grilled today. They were brushed with olive oil, and seasoned with a mixture of southwest spices. We served them up with some roasted Klondike Petite purple potatoes…
